Just a reminder, although water fountains are off limits during this time, there are touchless bottle filling stations throughout campus. In order to stay hydrated, please remember to send a clear water bottle with your child to school each day.
over 3 years ago, West Side Schools
We hope your child had a great first day of school today! While we believe we had a pretty solid plan starting today, we know there is no perfect plan. If you have any questions/concerns after the completion of day one, please share them here: https://forms.gle/Bm2TvWsaeTQawG1Z9
over 3 years ago, West Side Schools
West Side SD is pleased to provide Grab & Go meals for students who are enrolled in Lake Town Virtual Academy (LTVA). What you need to know about Grab & Go: -Meals are available for Grab & Go only by PRE-ORDER -A link to the Grab & Go Meal Order Form will be emailed to LTVA students/parents -Deadline for pre-order is each Friday at 2:00 PM for the following week -Grab & Go pick up will be in the circle drive using the “High School” doorway from 11:00-11:45 AM Monday through Friday -Parents are allowed to pick up meals for the student -Grab & Go meals are available only for currently enrolled LTVA students Additional Reminder: West Side School District participates in CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) which means that all currently enrolled West Side School District students (LTVA included) can eat breakfast and lunch every day this school year at no charge to the student. There are no strings attached. Parents, please encourage your children to take advantage of this offer at no cost to you.
over 3 years ago, West Side Schools
Reminder: 5th and 6th grade car riders and their K-4 siblings will be picked up in front of the Gathright Gym when school is dismissed. There will be a pick up lane located in front of Gathright.
over 3 years ago, james housdan
Special thanks to the West Side Nest (PTO) and Danielle Schopp for back to school snacks for our teachers!
over 3 years ago, Teresa Birmingham
PTO delivers snacks for teachers!
Parents/Guardians, want to know more about Google Classroom? Check out this link for a short video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgS-hoSIjnw
over 3 years ago, West Side Schools
Reminder: Monday, August 24 is the first day of school Parents and students, we are requesting your patience each morning while we work through the screening process. It will be more time consuming than in years past. Please plan ahead and anticipate a slight delay.
over 3 years ago, West Side Schools
West Side Elementary Parents and Guardians Photo Op We know how important the first day of school is to families. Unfortunately, because of the corona virus parents/guardians will not be able to walk their child to class on the first day of school. So, we are providing a photo opp for you to come and take pictures of your child. Please feel free to come by the school and take pictures Friday evening through Sunday. This will be located in front of the Elementary office.
over 3 years ago, james housdan
Photo Opp
The WSHS presentation during Thursday's "virtual" open house is linked below. A link to the recording of the WSES and WSHS presentations will be published later. #WatchUsSoar https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FKT8VqUTSv8PXR2xc_ymt8ZyiSxFRyqctvlHMZUIa7Q/edit?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Parents/Guardians of West Side High School Athletes: The Arkansas Activities Association has started using a platform called DragonFly. This requires parents/guardians of any student participating in high school athletics to register their athlete in the DragonFly system. Please follow the instructions on the attached sheet.
over 3 years ago, Megan Berry
School Districts are going to be heavily reliant on parents/guardians to work with them regarding communication with the district POC (Point of Contact) as well as screening students each morning. West Side SD will be no different in that regard. It is imperative that parents and the district work together to ensure the safety of all students is a priority. Parents/guardians, please use this form as a guideline to screen your children prior to them leaving the house each morning: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/community/schools-childcare/Daily-Home-Screening-for-Students-Checklist-ACTIVE-rev5A.pdf Thank you for doing your part to help us ensure the safety of our students and your kids.
over 3 years ago, West Side Schools
In an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus within our staff and student body we are asking all parents/guardians, of students who will be in attendance on-site, and all employees to notify our designated Point of Contact (POC) at 501-691-5964 immediately when the following occurs: -Someone in the household has tested positive for COVID-19. -Someone in the household has been identified as a Close Contact to a positive case of COVID-19 and is requiring quarantine and/or recommended to be tested for COVID-19. -Students attending on-site and employees who are being tested for COVID-19...If symptomatic, students/staff should remain in quarantine as directed by ADH Please call/text district POC Mrs. Traci Tate at 501-691-5964. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Together we can help keep our West Side School District family safe, healthy and ready to learn during this unique time
over 3 years ago, West Side Schools
West Side Elementary and West Side High School invite students, parents, and the public to Open House -- this year held by video meeting -- that will provide information about both on-campus students and Lake Town Virtual students in Grades K-12. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. today and last about 60-75 minutes with a time for questions and answers at the end. It will be recorded and shared for those who cannot attend. To attend, click the link below ... Matt Irwin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72036770510?pwd=bEhZUFVVYlNDU2d0SFpWUU8xR085dz09 Meeting ID: 720 3677 0510 Passcode: c0d0NC0fXX #WatchUsSoar
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Virtual Open House
REPUBLISHED with new link -- maximum number of views was exceeded! Curious about what West Side High School will look like for students this year? Check out this video shot, edited, and produced by new teacher Jesse Rawls, starring Joe West as "Joey Don't" ... #WatchUsSoar https://youtu.be/UKY_k6qhTGU
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Curious about what West Side High School will look like for students this year? Check out this video shot, edited, and produced by new teacher Jesse Rawls, starring Joey Don't (Joe West) ... http://bit.ly/wshs2020 #WatchUsSoar
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
There is a change in the Elementary car rider dismissal routine. 5th graders and 6th graders along with their siblings in K-4 will be escorted for pickup in front of the Gathright Gymnasium. Please park and your children will be brought out to you. This will help us to observe social distancing during pick up times.
over 3 years ago, james housdan
New Elementary students that will attend on-campus in Grades 1-6. This is a reminder about the Open House on Thursday, August 20th, from 4:00-6:00 p.m. This will be a “come and go” open house. Please check in at the Elementary office. New students and parents will start out on a walking tour of the building. You will end up with your child’s homeroom teacher. If you have further questions after your visit please stop by the office and ask us. Social distancing and masks will be required at all times. We are excited about meeting you!
over 3 years ago, james housdan
The West Side High School on-campus open house, which is limited to new students, 7th graders, and their parents or guardians, is from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, August 20. Those attending are asked to enter Brady-Hipp Arena between 3:45 and 4 p.m, where a general meeting will be held for students and parents. After the meeting concludes, students will receive a class schedule and may visit classrooms to meet teachers. All attendees will be required to wear a face covering while in buildings and maintain social distancing at all times. Questions? Please call the office at (501) 825-7241.
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
For high school parents and guardians who have completed first-of-year school forms, please return them as soon as possible. For those who have not completed forms, please pick up student Handbook and forms at the high school office and complete them soon. Students will not be issued a Chromebook on Monday unless the Internet Usage Agreement has been submitted to the office. Q's? Contact the office at (501) 825-7241. #WatchUsSoar
over 3 years ago, West Side Staff
Elementary (LTVA) online PARENTS: Please pick-up your student's art kit in the Elementary front lobby between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m tomorrow (the 19th) and Thursday (the 20th). Thanks, and have a great school year! -Ms. Cherie
over 3 years ago, james housdan